
Professional development.

Professional development.

In general, under

professional development, considered procedurally and dynamically know

profession or professional activities in the context of life.

In this case, there are three aspects of consideration:

1. In institutional sense: a career as a formally organized and bureaucratically

hierarchically ordered relationship of activities, attitudes, work

within a social organization or a professional field,

2. In an objective sense: as an actual career, objectively established

quality products, which the individual is within his professional


3. In the subjective sense: the career is defined by

perception and the formation of the individual samples for the following positions or

professions in the context of his life, especially from the standpoint of subjective

unity of the individual steps or phases of life. These aspects of the review

careers have certain relationships. Institutional samples

career form, for example, an individual who is forced to follow

institutional requirements of its professional development, some

regulatory framework and regulatory requirements for system implementation and evaluation

his own career, particularly in terms of further development of its

opportunities. Such social norms and expectations influence tentative signs

career, causing, for example, the transition from the educational system in

manufacturing sector or time of departure from the profession. Also, the objective

career related to the subjective, since the objective course of a career is reflected in

subjective level, and subjective career shows that

individual intentions affect the revision of professional and economic



Five key skills Development

Five key skills Development

To create a foundation for the development of personnel policies, we asked some important questions a lot of heads.

In particular, we were asked to name characteristics of Bekaert, which are essential to our success in the future.

Our leaders chose five key skills, which they called the most important guideline for each employee.

Attention to customers - it should be the basis of each employee, regardless of whether it is in contact with external customers of the company on a daily basis.

With amostoyatelnost - this feature is closely connected with a great desire to learn, which distinguishes the true professionals.

Innovation - without them it is impossible to implement new ideas and find the potential to improve the situation.

Focus on results - every year we set ourselves high goals and these goals must be achieved.

Attention to the talent - each director must ensure that full potential of his team. As a coach, he should help employees develop and make the maximum contribution to the success of all business units.

Today, these five skills are the basis of an annual performance evaluation guidelines of our employees around the world. These principles form the basis of expectations Bekaert against companies and provide a universal definition of how best to work in Bekaert.


Business - a profitable investment

Business - a profitable investment

Buying a business in modern conditions is becoming increasingly popular. Many businesses do not want to start a business from scratch, because it takes time and requires a large investment. But to buy a business with established financial and economic relations, and well-developed infrastructure schemes of accountability, combined with optimally-chosen cadre of trained personnel - it is really a profitable investment.

On the pages of our portal, you can apply for "buy ready-made business" and have some time get professional collection, strictly concretized to fit your needs.

Buying a business as well as actions on its sale can be made for several reasons.

For Sale:

Inability of the owner to settle with creditors.

The desire to expand the business and search for investment flows.

Building a Business as an instrument for sale.

Switching the owner of the company on other projects.


The rapid expansion of existing businesses and their own need to create an internal network, using ready-made company.

The acquisition of a profitable and promising business.

Unwinding of companies with potential for more profitable resale.

Capture a larger market segment.

To implement its decision, you need to place an ad "buy business" on our website or apply to the introduction of your company's catalog business for sale.

We will help you to make any transactions in the market ready business, providing full legal support and maintenance trades. All actions are aimed at the strict observance of the law and determined by the Civil Code. Highly qualified professionals at your request will conduct a detailed due diligence and evaluation activities, audit and analyze the current state of the company you intend to purchase. This entire package will allow you to make a better deal by using professional expertise and resources of our company to acquire or sell businesses.

How to sell the operating business and find a buyer?

How to sell the operating business and find a buyer?

Ads like "selling existing business," appeared in the commercial market only 6-7 years ago. Then these statements looked very scary and strange. Now the number willing to sell ready-made business is growing every day, and it is no surprise. Currently, the main criterion in the sale of a small operating business is professional intermediary companies. We offer a full package of services for efficient and profitable sale of operating business with full legal and expert support.

The question may arise: Why sell a small business entrepreneur, which are well underway? Many people think that the decision to sell the operating business stems from the fact that he has ceased to be profitable. In fact, the reasons may be different: they are moving to another country, and the illness of a close person, etc.

The current business - is a fully functioning system, with its subtleties and nuances of documents. So if you're determined to sell the operating business, above all, Settle all issues with documentation, test reports, gather all of the licenses. The full procedure documentation will significantly reduce the number of problems arising on the sale of operating business.

Sale of small business: how to find a buyer?

Sale of operating a business can be carried out through two schemes:

you sell yourself;

you resort to professional help.

To find a buyer yourself, you can act in several ways:

1. Advertisements, "Sale of small businesses." Information on the sale of a business located in the media or on the thematic web-sites. It is best to work in two directions.

2. The open sale of small businesses. Entrepreneur own visits of potential buyers and makes them an offer. But to determine which companies will be interested in this offer, the sale of the business, is quite difficult. It is safest to choose a company whose income is above your 6-7 times.

3. PR-articles, industry exhibitions. Place PR-articles on special sites, participate in trade fairs, do not forget to mention that your existing business is sold.

Of course, if the sale of small and medium business by yourself, you save money. But, acting on the second circuit, turning to the professionals, you will increase your chances of quickly selling the business at the best price and with minimal risk. Sale of operating your business with our specialists saves you from the mass of the audit, legal and other issues, and eliminates the possibility of rogues in your way.

Creation and implementation of project start-up

Creation and implementation of project start-up

Feature of these projects - the dependence on the speed of implementation and lack of funding.

The specificity of our work:

Quick startup of the project study and risk assessment;

assessment of the market and competing solutions;

specification of goals and objectives to create a business plan;

recommendations for managing and motivating members of start-up team.

We are ready to assist you:

in planning the budget for a business considering any scheme support;

to develop a representative set of documents and search for investors;

in financing start-up the most urgent projects.

For an assessment of your start-up must complete an application prescribed form and provide a feasibility study for the project.

Exclusive offers to investors, guaranteeing income through:

carefully selected start-up packages;

continuously monitored for innovation;

studying the dynamics of consumer demand.

Creative solutions for your business

What distinguishes a successful businessman from the gray mass of office managers? Reasoning for Action and the constant search for new viable projects to build your business. Perhaps you are determined to create a start-up project or to expand the zone of influence of your company, but can not decide in the space of innovative technologies and modern market trends. We offer you a totally unique solution - startup projects that will bring you profit.

Think more broadly

The main error in the formation of startup - the traditional approach and the classical organization of the project. Need unconventional methods beginning of the business, and we are pleased to present them to you. At the same time we are ready to invest in solid investments indeed promising startups that will solve the problem of initial financing.

Building a Business: A Guide to Action

Carefully review the proposed business idea. This will help you learn a lot of interesting information about the very concept of a start-up and force to take another look at the usual stereotypes.

Examine already embodied the ideas of small business in terms of commercial appeal.

Determine the direction of the startup. Aktsentiruete attention on projects that interest you business ideas.

Try to understand the internal mechanisms used to create the business.

Considering the already completed projects, try to think through the stages of further development. Do not be afraid of original solutions, but do not forget that the start-up implies the presence of a clearly formulated plan.

Start-up must have strong motivation, so do not waste your time on business ideas that were not originally generated interest.

While watching a bank of projects startup outlines all the constructive ideas that came to mind. In conducting further analysis, you can choose the most relevant and acceptable.

Find like-minded people to implement a start-up project. The joint implementation of business ideas enhances efficiency and facilitates rapid response to unforeseen situations.

Remember, to achieve maximum success in business is not worth taking the beaten path. Starting up - your chance to create something new in the world of commerce.

Our experts will be happy to assist you in creating and developing projects startup. Large pool of ideas for business, presented on our website, covers the most diverse spheres of activity, a non-trivial approach and constructive solutions to any problems. With our help, your startup will be a bright company in the business world.

We offer exclusive services for the development of promising, innovative companies in the direction of a startup. We are also willing to consider the already established company or just developed projects for potential investment. Professional lawyers, accountants and appraisers of our company will provide you with expert help if there are any issues related to the creation of business or the introduction of new technologies.

Only fresh business ideas for your business

Only fresh business ideas for your business!

How to start developing their own business? Of course, the original business idea! But where to take it, if the head itself does not come, but, nevertheless, take the path of independent development, really want? It's simple - our base business ideas are always at your service!

It is here you will be able to find a good small business idea and translate it into a profitable and labor of love.

It is here you will find a huge selection of ideas and business plans that choose the right will not be difficult.

It is our sincere you will find support from the staff and the desire to help you with the choice of a suitable business idea.

But before purchasing a particular business idea, you should consider several factors:

1. For a start mark for itself several options for business ideas that you liked. Do not rush immediately to choose the single idea that you are planning to develop a real business. The final selection is best done with their future partners. It is important to listen to other points of view and make the most informed choices.

2. It is important that your business idea belonged to the sphere of activity in which you are an expert, or else that you just like it. You should not chase the supposedly lucrative business idea, if the area you did not know and is not interesting. After all, if you will not capture what you do, it's unlikely you'll be able to develop a truly profitable business.

3. However, before selecting a particular small business ideas is to get acquainted with the peculiarities of the market and economic situation in the country, to find out that now enjoys a greater or lesser demand. We are confident that no matter what field of activity you enjoy, in any field you can find something that will be true and, if desired - very profitably. Therefore, after analyzing the market, select the business idea that is increasingly in demand may be the consumer.

4. Try to get your business idea was, if not original, at least, had some unique features, which subsequently would be advantageous to distinguish you from competitors.

5. When choosing a business idea at once think whether there are prospects for the future. After all, any business should be developed to consistently make good profit.

Our database is already a huge number of small business ideas. Data is updated constantly, so we are confident that you can quickly choose the right business plan that will help you become successful and wealthy man!

Business Development: Success Factors

Business Development: Success Factors

Business development - not an easy task, especially

for those who first engaged in this business.

Therefore, our company strives to not only provide you with services

experienced professionals (auditors, lawyers, etc.) that can help in business development, but also tell you what to do for the success of your project.

1. Put global and complex goals. For example, if you have a repair shop or store trading, the global goal may be to reach the highest position among your competitors. Successful business development is only possible if you recognize as many potential customers - it's worth remembering.

2. Organize your time. The most precious thing you have - your time. Therefore, it should be used to maximum benefit. Do not forget the time of your employees, try not to load their secondary tasks.

3. Encourage your employees to communicate with customers politely. We prove that the treatment of customers is a major factor in the success of your business. Disrespect on the part of your staff not only alienate you from potential buyers, but also create a bad reputation for your company.

4. Plan for business expansion. Note in advance that the development of its business involves the expansion, so I think over the possible directions. You must be passionate about your business - only in this case to you in the head will come forward-looking ideas. If you do not want to grow your business, you should note that the excess of your clients can attract more advanced competitors. As a result - your business will begin to weaken.

5. Follow the general situation on the market. If the market develops, but your earnings are not growing, it means that you stand on the spot. If your area appeared larger competitor, to a level which you can not develop - it is best to agree with him on cooperation and allocate areas of activity.

6. Try not to borrow. The exception is the credit for business development. Thanks to overcome the difficult situations you will be able to ensure stable business growth. Only when you learn to do to overcome difficulties and realize that the problem can not simply "buy" - you develop a tenacity that will help you to continue your business.

7. Is there a problem? This means that you develop! Moreover: the more you have problems that require creativity and strength involve all your employees, the more it shows that your business is moving forward and evolving. You, as a leader should be able to competently present a problem, making it yet another creative task on your way to success.

8. Do not Compete - offer something new. Try to find new solutions in your area. Your business will only be successful if you can find something special for your customers, then what is not your competitors. Establish its own rules, make your own style. Only then can you be the first.

Of course, the successful development of a business depends not only on the competent implementation of these recommendations. The materials of our website, as well as consultations of our experts will help you better understand what still needs to make your business grow and develop.


Professional Development

The profession of selling is rooted in understanding the problem and providing the right solution through the act of profitable commercial transaction. The profession of selling is like playing chess. A good player pre-empts many moves of his opponents and plans his moves accordingly.

A good sales professional can be compared to an aircraft with an auto pilot. Let me share my experience to explain what I mean. Once, in the days when security concerns were low, I was traveling on an international flight with my then ten-year-old daughter. I took permission from the captain to show her the cockpit and how he was flying such a complicated machine. We went in and found the cockpit was full of little gadgets and gauges. I asked the caption how the aircraft stayed on track in spite of so many variables, such as bad weather. The captain explained, pointing out the compass and red lights, which used to blink on and off, that sometimes the aircraft goes off-course, but the moment this happens the auto-pilot brings it back on track. I thought to myself that the same thing is true in human life too! Don’t we all go off-track some time in life and don’t we all need the auto-pilot to bring us back on track? What is the auto-pilot that brings humans back on track?

1. Values

2. Attitude

3. Ambition

4. Clarity of goals and purpose



The profession of selling can be exciting and rewarding, I both financially and emotionally, or it can be depressing and frustrating. A Lot depends on a person’s attitude and how he handles success and failure. When we make a sale we are on an emotional high. However, when we make no sales, we feel rejected and dejected. When a salesperson realizes that the profession is not only about making sales, but involves helping others and solving problems, he becomes a professional.

To succeed in the profession of selling, one needs to develop proven and repeatable methods of selling which can give positive results consistently. One must qualify and lead the potential customers through an effective selling process in or<<1er to result in a positive outcome. In fact, there are no exceptions to this process.

While sales people go into the profession looking for independence and freedom, most good sales professionals realize that success comes from the commitment and self-discipline for continuous improvement. Those who become top performers realize that they need intellectual, moral and ethical support, sometimes a pat on the back and occasionally a kick on the bottom too. Just like an athlete needs a coach, a good sales professional also needs a coach. The role of a good coach is to turn a group of people into a committed team where each person is a star performer.